Home » 80 Profitable Small Town Business Ideas You Can Start This Year
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80 Profitable Small Town Business Ideas You Can Start This Year

small town business ideas

There are so many places one can do business and make good money. In this article, I will be taking you on a journey to explore over 45 profitable small town business ideas you can start anytime. Can one make money by running a business in the village? In fact, you could argue that the opposite is true. There are many small business ideas in small towns and villages.

Small towns have the same needs as large communities. Opening something like a coffee shop, grocery store or pet grooming can be a profitable business. Small town residents can also start online businesses and access international markets. Find time to also read 24 small business ideas for retirees in today’s economic setting.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking to start a profitable business, here are some profitable small town business ideas to get you started.

Whether you’re looking to start a full-time business or just a side hustle, there are many benefits to starting a business outside of the big city.

Now, let’s begin to look at these 45 small town business ideas one after the other in details:

1. Car wash

The first on our list of profitable small town business ideas you can start anytime is car wash. There are many people in that small town who care so much about the appearance of their car. After the initial investment, a good car wash can be done almost without any intervention.

This is one of the best small town business ideas for passive income.

Add a few vending machines, restock them every week during the summer, and you’re good to go (we have a complete, step-by-step guide on how to start a vending business)!

2. Electrician

Becoming an electrician in a small town or village is a good business, you will be shocked to discover the number of persons would be needing your expertise on daily.

You will be amazed at the number small towns and villages within 20 miles or more who depend on electricity, and will need your services. Trust me, this is a good job if you are an electrician.

3. Freelance writer

It will interest you to know that freelance writers can operate from anywhere in the world and prosper. This may not sound like a small town job idea, but start out as a great writer in a small town.

I remember in the 80s when I was still in the village, I was going from the village to the city to attend my secondary education, it happened that I became the only one writing letter for every family in that village and about three other neighboring villages, some will give me money. You can study and work online from your home, park, library or wherever you want!

4. Green energy expert

Many cities and towns are looking for ways to combat major energy problems by switching to green energy. As a result, small town business ideas based on sustainable energy are on the rise.

Many farmers and ranchers are also satisfied with the rent they can receive from unused land. This is a fast-growing business with a lot of room for business success.

5. Social media manager

Are you a social butterfly in the digital world? Can you turn your Instagram protection and love of likes into income? From creating compelling content to monitoring reviews, community leaders are the virtual brains behind all the viral tweets, Instagram posts, and Facebook rants.

They know how to engage their audience, engage with them, and build a community around their brand.

With over 80% of UK businesses now competing for attention online, according to Statista, the demand for these online experts is higher than ever. If you like talking to people and are good at discussing information, this is a course worth pursuing.

6. Holiday check-in service

This is another profitable small town business ideas you can start anywhere and anytime. There are many family who goes on holiday and will need someone to cater for whatever they are leaving behind.

Mostly all you have to do is feed the animals, keep the house tidy, collect the mail, and mow the lawn. These are chores to do to help the family avoid stress when they get home.

7. Photographer

If you’re good with cameras and editing, freelance camera work can be a good way to earn extra money, but you’ll need some expensive equipment though.

However, you will have a wide market based on different customers, from individuals (for events such as weddings and parties) to businesses that want to use videos for business purposes. Be specific to complement your style and performance; this is important if you want people to know about your side hustle.

8. Affiliate marketer

Simply put, affiliate marketing is when you promote other people’s products yourself and earn a small commission on each sale. Actually, you are an average person. Ideally, when you start, you will have a blog, social following, or a website that can encourage customers to click on your affiliate links so you can earn money by volunteering. Income varies from 5% to 50%, but the good news is that income from the business is growing steadily at 10% every year, according to statistics from Streamline Ad Group.

Some of the best affiliate programs in the UK are Commission Junction (CJ Affiliate), Amazon Associates and Shopify Affiliate Programme. But do not believe all these rumors. An affiliate marketer has as many zeros as there are heroes.

9. Computer training

To help grandparents stay in touch with their grandchildren, begin teaching them how to complete special tasks online. In small towns and villages, there are many different types of people who need and benefit from different types of computer services.

The more skills you can teach, the more users you will find and you can return to those same customers and teach them new things.

Since your customer base will be limited to small towns, take advantage of nearby towns and find more people you can help.

10. Resume writer

It’s like a matchmaker, but instead of matching couples, you match job descriptions to resumes. In a competitive business with high turnover, people need all the help they can get to make their skills stand out among potential employees.

If you think you can leverage the experience and skills an applicant has gained by tracking and presenting keywords that job seekers are searching for, this could be a good business idea for you. You can start small by offering your services to friends and family, then use their recommendations to build your customer base.

11. Pet-sitter

There are people of all age bracket in every nation that loves animals very much, but we also have to work and we love going on vacation. Nannies provide care and companionship to animals while their owners are away.

For instance, the pet care industry in the UK is worth an estimated £7 billion and is expected to grow due to the increasing number of pet owners. Access to this family business is low; he just needs love for animals and taking care of them.

12. Home hairdresser

Even if money there is no money in your pocket, your hair will grow. So why pay bills for renting a shop and other utilities when you can give your clients haircuts at their home?

Since the pandemic occurred, the home hair dressing business has been on the rise thanks to its convenient and personalized services. You can start small by being an “onion” for friends and family and use word-of-mouth marketing and social media to build your customer base.

13. Dress sewing and repair

If you’re a knitting fiend or needlework ninja, consider offering alterations and repairs to your customers. The UK clothing retail market for instance grew by 159% between 2019 and 2023 and is expected to grow by another 67.5% from 2024 to 2027, according to GlobalData statistics. Customers are looking for nip and tuck here and there.

14. Animal clothing designer

Pet Clothing Designers create beautiful and/or functional clothing for pets. This can include anything from dog clothes to cat shirts. According to research by American Express, pet owners in the UK spend an average of £70 a month on their pets.

The survey also found that 43% of pet owners are willing to spend up to £50 on luxury pet products. Frankly, caring for animals and fashion might be a good place to start, and the competition is fierce, but our love for animals isn’t going away anytime soon.

15. Provide lodging facilities

This idea seems like a mountain, but it’s still like a chore, as long as you have yourself and space. More and more people are renting apartments in private homes because it makes financial sense when rents are rising.

Additionally, many workers are forced to settle in cities while traveling from rural areas. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that because this is your home, you can do whatever you want. Always comply with your rental agreement and make sure you do not violate any rules and regulations.

16. Laundry service

If you have a washing machine and are good at folding, it can be an easy and profitable business to start and run from home. With demand for easy and time-saving services rising and the number of people renting homes from sites like Airbnb, there’s plenty of dirty laundry to outsource.

According to IBISWorld’s report, the laundry and dry cleaning industry in the UK is now worth over £3 billion. Get your slice of the cleaning pie by offering professional services such as a green cleaning or polish day.

17. Music teacher

The music industry in every country is growing by the day, and it worth billions of dollars and is expected to continue to grow, driven by increasing numbers of music lovers of all ages. If you are somebody who is good at musical instrument such as the guitar, piano, drums or you have the angelic kind of voice, then you are good to go in this business model.

As long as you can play your instrument well and have a quiet and tolerant environment with people around you – especially a professional learning to play the drums! Studying music would be a plus and many music teachers are self-taught.

18. Gardener

This is a great side hustle if you don’t want to get your hands dirty; Grass is always needed, grass is cut, trees are cut down and leaves are removed. You can start small, purchase equipment, and offer decorating services as your confidence and skills grow.

There is no formal training, but some plant knowledge may be helpful. According to a report by AMA Research, the UK infrastructure sector is worth over £5 billion and is expected to grow further due to the increasing need to manage commercial and public spaces.

19. Online teaching

As the global pandemic negatively impacts children’s education, online tutoring has become more popular as a way to impact education. If you’re an expert on a particular topic or have experience working with children, you already have a big check mark on your list.

Although you don’t need to be a qualified teacher, you should still have a good understanding of UK education and school curricula, which you can research at gov.uk. And business costs are very low; Word of mouth from the satisfied (and competitive!) parents who work here is great.

20. Direct sales (Dropshipping)

Dropshipping is a business method where you trust a seller to “deliver” to your customers’ door on your behalf. You don’t need to store or track inventory, so you don’t need to pay extra for rental property or ship your room in multiple boxes and containers.

All you have to do is promote your business and build your target audience. However, dropshipping also has its drawbacks, mostly related to returns and refunds. Additionally, choosing a reliable and reliable third-party service provider can make a difference in terms of revenue or business. But it is definitely one of the easiest, fastest and cheapest ways to start a business.

21. E-book sales

If you have a story to tell or have expertise in a subject (cooking, personal development, photography, poetry, or the next great novel), writing an e-book can be a good, inexpensive business idea. Although this takes a lot of your time, its financial cost is close to zero.

You can sell your books through third-party providers (Amazon only) or your online store. If you really want to guarantee sales before moving forward, you can schedule an auction or start a fundraising campaign to generate interest in your virtual book.

22. Proofreader/editor

From articles to documents to websites, proofreading is always in high demand as every business produces content that needs to be reviewed for professionalism, visibility and robustness. Ideally this would be an online job for someone with an aptitude or background in English or journalism, but it doesn’t have to be as long as you can polish your comments enough to complete them and know how to pay for your ps and qs.

23. Language tutor

As the business world becomes more competitive, people are looking for ways to diversify and strengthen their language skills. And parents are always looking for ways to improve their children’s GCSE and A-level results.

So if you know French or are a native Nigerian speaker, teaching can be a strong side hustle that you can make money from $20 – $50 per hour.

Craigslist and similar sites are great places to market your business, and it’s usually free to sign up and post your ad. Remember that there may be other people (and businesses) looking for English lessons too.

24. Jewelry/Bead maker

Whether boutique or high-end, jewelry making is a side hustle for part-time entrepreneurs with expertise in gemstones, silverware, and soldering. You can choose to sell your products online (to make sure your photos pop!) or at holiday markets or local stores.

There are a lot of conveniences (and courses for beginners), but you need to be careful to balance the cost of materials and equipment with the profit from sales.

25. Selling clothes

With Gen Z shoppers leading the modern and vintage market, selling clothes is a great way to reach a younger audience and make some extra money. Apps like Depop and Vinted make the process of setting up an online vintage store easy, meaning the barrier to entry is low.

All you need is a smartphone, a pop-up image of your product, and some marketing materials. With the retail industry predicted to grow 127% by 2026, jumping on the clothing resale bandwagon could be a smart investment, and there are plenty of tips to keep you on HMRC’s side.

26. Private restaurant or bistro

A restaurant in a small town can be a good business idea, but it can also be difficult to set up. When you are unique in making delicious meals, or have something different (sports bar – check out our list of creative bar names, uptown Cajun restaurants, and more), you have plenty of opportunities to stand out and get uncommon results.

27. Animal training

There are many animal-related job opportunities out there that you can cash in on. If you like working with animals and want to work with people and their pets, pet training may be a good business idea for you.

Domestic dogs trained to obey simple commands or hunting dogs trained to hunt pheasants or ducks. If you need inspiration for a dog training make enquiries or Google animal training companies.

Horse training is another skilled profession and is perhaps more popular in smaller towns.

When working with animals, you can benefit from loyal customers because they still love customers. People tend to be very passionate when it comes to dealing with animals, and if you establish yourself early, this is the best small business idea in town.

28. Massage therapist

If you are someone who has magic fingers for massaging, trust me there are millions of persons out there who love good massage.

Whether you want a therapeutic massage, a deep tissue massage, or just some time to relax and de-stress at the dinner table, massage parlors in small towns make it easy to find clients.

You can check out our list of massage business name ideas to get inspiration for your new business name.

29. Ice cream shop

It is a seasonal job in many places, but almost everyone loves ice cream especially children.

A good ice cream shop can be very crowded on the hottest days of summer.
You can offer express services like Dairy Queen and soon you will begin to target two stores to help meet seasonal ice cream demand like she did.

This is one of the small business ideas that would work near a high school or a tourist attraction like the beach.

30. Wine shop

In some places, alcohol can be sold in grocery stores. But many people still appreciate the broader product selection and knowledgeable service liquor store owners offer.

Wine is readily in demand everywhere you go, which means that this is almost always a profitable business.

31. Local tour guide

Do you live in a tourist attracted area where strangers troop in in their hundreds to catch glimpse of beautiful environments. Good number of our small towns and villages have so many tourist attractions such as good place for fishing, hunting, mountain top views, amazing water falls, nature’s crafts, things that are supernatural or forestry.

You can become a local expert in your city and surrounding area by making yourself available to guide tourists.

32. Computer repair/IT support

Getting into computer repair as a small business idea in a small town or village with little competition is probably not a bad idea; Take a look at the list of computer businesses and find out which suits your person. If you sell, repair, and provide IT support within your community you will be very successful.

33. Local YouTuber

This is a promising entrepreneurs that is making many rich in Nigeria these days, majority of Nigerian youths are now content creators on YouTube. You can find many things to create content about. All you need to kick-start is your smartphone, the good thing is that it does not matter where you are, whatever is uploaded on YouTube is opened to the whole world to see.

Not only can you make money from this, but you can also develop skills that will lead you to profitable freelancing.

34. Copywriting

Copywriting is the practice of creating original copy that helps customers achieve a specific goal, often increasing sales by persuading customers to purchase or use a product or service.

This can be anything from a description of the main features and benefits of your product or service to advertisements, social media content and more.

Obviously, a good knowledge of written English is essential, as well as being a humanist, as you need to understand the motivation of your audience.

35. Selling firewood

In the year 2017, in Ashaka, Delta state of Nigeria, when my elder brother lost his job, the wife started selling firewood, with it, she began catering for the family of four, her husband, herself and their two kids.

Firewood sale is one of those classic small town business ideas that never see downturn.

Many rural families use wood stoves for heating and cooking. If you know how to get good firewood, you’ll have plenty of business, especially in small towns with little service.

36. Selling second hand clothes

This is another profitable small town business ideas you can do, though traveling to get these second hand clothes maybe stressful and expensive, but trust, it is worth it. Second-hand clothing stores are always full of customers looking for new clothes.

Majority of people who wear classic fashions actually patronizes second hand clothing shop, such shops are always jam-packed with locals, especially families with adult children when new stocks arrives.

37. Plumbing

No two ways about it, no alternatives, when you need a plumber, you need a plumber. Every now and then, there are varieties of plumbing work to be done in the rural areas.

38. Food truck

It will interest you to know that food truck business are not just for the city, this business also thrives in small towns and villages. There may be no good restaurants or some markets in your city.

You will always find local stuff to make your food truck business stand out and get special deals on events such as local sporting events, marriage/wedding and more.

The good news about trucks is that if you’re looking for more work you can just move on to the next town.

39. T-shirt printing

Another profitable small town business ideas you can do is T-Shirt and face-cap printing. Institutions such as local schools, churches, bowling clubs and more are always looking for great T-shirts.

The demand for printed T-Shirts are always on the high side, you can cash in on it.

40. Furniture restoration

The next profitable small town business ideas furniture repairs and restoration, you can do this in many rural areas. There are countless family homes with broken and damaged furniture begging to be fixed.

You can begin to buy these broken furniture, and with your experience, you fixed, restore and modernized them, after which you put them up for sale.

41. Mechanical repair

One good thing about small towns and villages is that there are so many domestic engines, generators etc. Good mechanics are hard to find, this is where you come in, focus on repairing small engines and generators.

Every small town needs people who can fix small machines. Commercial products such as lawn mowers, fan boxes, washers and dryers, kitchen appliances, lawn mowers, and chainsaws frequently require repairs.

In many cities, even if there is already a garage or mechanic, there is usually room for others (you can start with the names of those mechanics). If this is your passion, this can be a great way to start a profitable small business.

42. Transport Truck/Large Truck Rental

Every now and then someone within the village will need a truck, maybe a bus to carry goods from one village to another, or from the village to the city, if you are you are a truck or bus owner, then this is an amazing opportunity for you.

43. Organic farming

Starting an organic farm takes a lot of work, and it’s not as easy as it looks, however, just like every other business, you are bound to succeed if you are focused and disciplined.

There are so much opportunities for anybody in organic farming mostly in small towns and villages where there are enough fertile lands. All you have to do is start small, maybe grow vegetables, okra, peppers, tomatoes etc.

45. Photography

If you’re good with cameras and editing, freelance camera work can be a good way to earn extra money, but you’ll need some expensive equipment.

However, you will have a wide market based on different customers, from individuals (for events such as weddings and parties) to businesses that want to use videos for business purposes.

Be specific to complement your style and performance; this is important if you want people to know about your side hustle.


There is a lot in small towns and villages in any nation, and its members are willing to do patronize your business. Don’t underestimate how great an idea in online marketing can turn a small town business idea into. When it comes to starting a big business in a small town and villages, you have many options.

If you live in a small town or village and have a desire to do business don’t worry. Study this list very well, I am optimistic it will give you tons of ideas that will enable you take steps in setting up your local business in no time.