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14 Best Twitter Marketing Ideas and Strategies

Twitter marketing ideas for small businesses

As a digital marketer, it is very crucial that you understand how to develop the best Twitter marketing ideas, and also create a failure-proof Twitter marketing strategies. In this article, we shall be taking a look at the important aspect of Twitter marketing, and more detailed steps you need to take for leveraging Twitter.

What is Twitter Marketing Strategy?

And it may pass several times. Twitter itself has become a very powerful business platform. Becoming a marketing savvy person on Twitter can be challenging because you need to immediately engage your audience while describing your brand perfectly.

No one talking only about the most popular content and affiliate content will be followed. At this point, it is important to personally plan your business strategy correctly. Getting your audience to view your content can be a real pain in the ass.

1. Create a Twitter profile to set yourself up for success

First on our 9 best Twitter marketing ideas and strategies is creating a perfect profile. Some might say 99% of success is planning. The same goes for setting up your Twitter profile. What do you do if your reputation is already taken?

One solution is to add a good CTA (call to action) in front of your brand name. For example, you can use “@ChooseEmebonmedia” instead of “@emebonmedia”. Personal content such as “@WeAreEmebonMedia” or “ThisIsEmebonmedia”.

• Profile name: You can add the words “Headquarters” or “Official” to the end of your business name to indicate rights and ownership of the account name. However, we recommend that you only do this if your brand name is not available.

While it’s rare for you to have the same profile name on every social network, it’s usually off. The more legitimacy and professionalism your account shows, the more followers or customers will decide to follow your account.

• Profile image: Most businesses use their logo as their profile picture. But don’t give up on your banner image. Watch your competitors and see what they are doing with their banner images. Then look at Twitter banners from other brands with a similar audience to yours.

So, be sure to choose ideas when choosing images that stand out in terms of color and overall visual impact. But make sure these images fit your overall goals. Otherwise, you will confuse your customers and potential customers.

• Profile description: Finally, this step is often overlooked, but it is very important. You must as a matter of necessity complete your profile description. Include other information such as a legitimate website link, and your address.

2. Set Twitter marketing goals

After developing your Twitter marketing ideas, one of the major marketing strategies is setting up your marketing goals, it’s important to determine what you want to achieve per time, this will always help fuel your passion.

Your goals can be: generating leads to your landing page, information gathering, earning quality followership, learning more marketing strategies, and more.

3. Go mobile

It is a well-known fact that over 50% of persons using Twitter access it via mobile phones, therefore, wisdom demands that you download the Twitter app on your smartphone, setup your account to enable you tweet via SMS; also admonish your followers to subscribe so they can receive your tweets via text.

Consistency is key when it comes to social media engagement. Find out what works for your company and keep doing it, you will soon find out that Twitter is one of the best social media platform for your business.

4. Publish actionable content to add value

Write directly to your audience when creating content. , share unique ideas or content that educates or entertains your audience. Twitter is great for starting conversations and connecting directly with your audience. This means having a purpose when creating your message.

Not only does this differentiate your business from your competitors, but statistics show that tweets with images get more retweets and tweets with videos get more praise. The ingredient will make your meal fresh and exciting. Twitter chat is a great way to directly engage with your audience. Direct communication shows the human side of your brand.

It makes the goal more objective and realistic. For example, this might tell your audience that they need to attend a community meeting on the third Wednesday of each month.

5. Do not copy and paste content from other channels

Another one of the best Twitter marketing ideas and strategies is creating unique content. In order for customers to value your social media, you need to consider whether they follow or not.

Since you are on many websites, your target needs to be given to all of them. This means don’t use the same copy of the channel. For example, experiment with long periods of time or even use emojis. Don’t buy followers.

6. Schedule your posts, share regularly, and track results

Finally, businesses and marketers want to determine how active you are on Twitter. How often should you tweet? 42% of businesses claim to tweet one to five times a day, while approximately 19% say they tweet six to 10 times a day. Remember that your target audience isn’t just on Twitter for your brand. So let tweets have the breathing space to allow your audience to consume other content.

You may want to experiment with the timing of your tweets with your first tweets. In general, during your first three months on Twitter, track and observe your audience’s behavior to get a clearer picture of when your audience is most important on the platform.

Twitter reports show you what content is most popular, and you can use a sample of your most popular tweets (from content to time published) to test when and how many days the content was published. It takes time; Sometimes you may feel like no one is responding to your tweets.

But that’s the nature of the game. You should keep it. Be consistent with your posting times and the quality of the content you publish. Sooner or later your target audience will find you.

7. Optimize content with relevant hashtags

Optimizing your content with hashtags is another good Twitter marketing ideas and strategies. If no one can see it, the content is wasted. That’s why it’s important to consider strategies to improve your target content. It is a simple and well-known way to distribute content to a large number of people. Try not to use more than two hashtags per tweet.

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Too many hashtags can cause your business to be seen as spam. Research helps you evaluate and see which hashtags are best if you want to capitalize on global trends. You can identify the hashtags your users use when talking about your business and use them in your content.

8. Optimize your content for the platform

Twitter works fast, delivers short messages. That’s why it’s important to determine what kind of content is good on Twitter:

Popular culture trends and news: Keeping up with pop culture and current news is a great way to break the ice with your audience. The benefit of this is that your name is seen as “known” and therefore connected, current and relevant to the content they publish.

The potential downside of this is getting into the habit of relying too much on topics even if they’re not relevant to your target audience. So if you are considering using events and current events in your content, be clear about what you are trying to do.

Humor: Using wit and humor in your content is a great way to attract customers. Being able to shake hands and make jokes will get your target audience noticed and make your brand appear more effective.

But when it comes to humor and jokes, make sure the content is relevant to your business in some way. After all, your ultimate goal is not to become an actor, but to promote your brand.

9. Talk to your customers and prospects

Conversing with your audience is another one of the best Twitter marketing ideas and strategies. Companies should regularly engage with their audiences on Twitter. One way to do this is to tag followers in posts and, most importantly, respond to comments regularly.

The easiest way to find out is to ask. Language. You can place “Question Time” at the beginning of your broadcast to remind your audience that you are speaking directly to them and looking for answers.

10. Listen to your audience

Most social media marketing strategies ignore listening. But this is important. Connect directly with your customers. Chatting with them and answering their questions on a user-friendly platform like Twitter will help improve customer service.

You can use direct customer feedback to inform and adjust your strategy to meet your customers’ needs. You can look at “hot topics,” or new topics people are talking about, to figure out which topics are unpopular and avoid bringing up the topic yourself.

11. Earn followers

The last but never the least on our 9 best Twitter marketing ideas and strategies is never to buy followers. Buying followers to improve your Twitter metrics is interesting. Doing this will not help your business in the long run. Plus, if your users see that you’re growing your followers in an unfair way overall (which most people will, especially if your audience is web-savvy), you can guarantee they won’t look out for your company.

In the light of this, go on and invite your existing audience to follow you on Twitter across multiple platforms. Add your Twitter account to your email marketing campaigns or mailing lists. You can pay Twitter to promote tweets and posts to grow your audience. Sponsored Tweets will be more inspired than organic Tweets. They are like regular tweets and work the same way.

But because the ads were labeled this way, many users learned to ignore them. So before investing in advertising on Twitter, try the small things. It can be used by people who follow your brand’s Twitter account.

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12. Tweets without links

Did you know that tweets without links get more engagement than tweets with links? A study by Socialfresh shows that tweets without links receive more engagement. If you limit the number of links you share on Twitter, you will be adding value to the links you make.

13. Position yourself as a thought leader

Startups can use Twitter to position themselves as an expert, thought leader, or expert in a particular field. Followers participate in discussions about different topics related to your business and retweet topics related to your topic. Your tweet will be included in related searches.

You can easily find out what your people are interested in with tools like Google Keyword Planner. You can then manage the resulting account. By updating old information, you can create new content without spending time thinking about it. You need to use the best time to increase your tweet traffic.

14. Use retweets to your advantage

Your initiative should start with an average of the retweets you typically receive for your most influential tweets. Multiple referrals provide more attractive customers. Follow and feel free to tweet a few times. When you come back to your tweet, shuffle it. Don’t tweet the same fact every time.

Retweet your tweets to attract the attention of different people every time you tweet. More than 100,000,000 tweets are now sent per day. It’s harder for your tweets to be seen than it was today because of the volume of tweets. This is fair game as long as you don’t spam and add no value.

More than one thing. Help others get their word out and they will be more likely to do it for you. Let them know. When others see themselves in an ad you share, they are more likely to republish your post!

Start with the average number of retweets you are likely to receive and then add some of your most influential tweets, with this, you may attract more collaboration.